What We Do
We’re Quite Multi-Disciplined
Our originations professionals are experienced in all facets of the real estate development process including structuring equity to meet the needs of both affordable housing developers and investors.
Acquisitions & Underwriting
Our acquisitions & underwriting professionals conduct a thorough review of each deal including the market, structure, construction and sponsor. Our professionals have extensive experience in providing solutions to potential underwriting, tax and/or legal/due diligence issues.
Our construction professionals are experienced in all facets of construction including: plans and specs, contract and compliance review; survey, zoning and reserve analysis; environmental, soils/geotechnical, and Green/LEED review; permitting, scheduling and timing and Historic Tax Credits Part I and II review.
Asset Management
Our asset management professionals provide construction, lease-up and continued operational oversight for each property in our portfolio. This includes reviewing monthly construction draws and processing capital contributions from closing through conversion and monitoring property performance throughout the compliance period.
Our disposition professionals are experienced in navigating issues associated with post compliance period transitions. We strive to make exiting a limited partnership as straight forward and flexible as possible.
Opportunity Zones
Affordable housing developments utilizing LIHTC located within Opportunity Zones offer an ideal means for leveraging the program’s benefits. Our professionals are experienced in facilitating opportunity zone investment and benefits for our developer and investor partners.